Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stat Counter

For class we had to install a snazzy stat counter on to our site. So far, the only visitor is...me. That's all well and good since I have a grand total of three posts, one of which is a test post.

Well, what does this Stat Counter thing do? It basically counts any visits to this blog. It lets me see how many page loads I have had and how many unique visitors I get, as well as where they come from, if they're returning visitors, and any popular pages. (Kinda creepy, right?).

So, what can I use this information for? Hmm...well, nothing much really. This is just a personal blog. So it is nice to see how many people come visit this blog. However, if I had any commercial interests (which I don't) I could possibly use this to concentrate marketing via popular pages and target any specific regions that my blog visits.

While I don't have any commercial interests and the number of visitors doesn't do much to me (except to maybe boost my ego a bit), it is entertaining to see how many people visit.

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