Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Giants won the World Series!

So, if you didn't hear, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series! There was a parade and everything! You may have heard something about it if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, as I do. Anyway, I for one could not be more ecstatic!

Let me just say that I am not a baseball person. While I am happy that the San Francisco Giants won, the reason I am happy is for reasons unrelated to baseball. So why am I happy that the Giants won then? Well, frankly, because the World Series is over! While I am not not happy for the Giants, I am more happy about the fact that I can return to my regularly scheduled programming!

I am a huge fan of The Simpsons. Okay, "huge" may be stretching it. The only merchandise I own is a couple of shirts and I only own one of the seasons on DVD. (Although I should probably fix that.) Anyway, "huge" or "big" or whatever, I love The Simpsons and watch it religiously every week. However, because of the baseball playoffs and the World Series it was gone for almost a month. The last new episode aired on October 10th. (Ironically, it was about baseball.) That's a month without having new episodes of one of my favorite TV shows. But alas! The Giants won, ending the World Series and the disruption of my television show schedule! Now, my favorite TV family is back with its annual Halloween episode! (Yes, a Halloween episode in November. See what the World Series does!)

Harry Potter as a vampire, Twilight spoofs, and cannibalism! This seems like it will be a promising episode of The Simpsons. On that note, I want to say congratulations to the San Francisco Giants! I'm excited that you guys won! (But more excited to have my TV shows back.)

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